God only needs one man.
—Ezekiel 22:30
Life Coaching
It is too easy for men to Forget Everything & Run.
We want to challenge you to Face Everything & Rise.
Step out. Become the man He has created you to be. Bring order to chaos. Surge forward in faith. Combat your fears and insecurities.
Logan Wilson is a certified life coach and offers one-on-one mentoring, as well as group coaching for men.

Give me men who can pray, men who can fight, and men who can build, and I will build a lasting civilization.
—King Alfred
About the Class
The School of Honor is a three-day summer course designed to transform today’s young boys into tomorrow’s great men. From the Honor of God and the Hebrew Names of God, to civility and chivalry, to our Ephesians 6 spiritual weapons and armor, this one-of-a-kind course delivers timeless and critical truths to boys as they enter manhood.
The 200-page manual that each young man receives during the course is an engaging and fast-paced curriculum of captivating history, inspiring men of courage, and deep biblical study, written and compiled by Logan Wilson. Logan also delivers powerful dramatic presentations in costume and soundtrack of some of history’s most courageous, influential, God-fearing men that keep the boys on the edge of their seats! Students learn the chivalrous skills of how to treat young women, how to be a gentleman, and other courtesies. Dramatic presentations of Men of Honor in history are delivered each day, and the afternoon ends with outdoor games.
Parents and family are invited to the graduation ceremony for the Mission Statement of Honor that the young men will declare together. Each student receives a signed certificate of completion.

LOGAN WILSON is married to his bride Brenna and lives in Colorado with their two children. He started the School of Honor at 17 when he saw our culture was degrading and emasculating the strength of men. Logan is an author and a certified Life Coach. Logan has presented across the United States for Family Research Council, Republican policy events, Christian schools, churches, camps and radio and has been featured in the international “Power for Living” magazine for Cook Communications. He loves to inspire young men to passionately pursue God through their masculine design.

“Bestowing dignity upon someone else is the equivalent to giving them life.”
—Shmuley Boteach

“Since it is so likely that our children will meet cruel enemies, let them at least have heard of brave knights and heroic courage.”
—CS Lewis
Host a School of Honor
To those of you who are generous enough to host a School of Honor, here a few prerequisites for hosting:
General Information
- Depending on how far I need to travel I need a minimum of 20-50 young men
- Where will it be held? This is usually in someone’s home, depending on how many the hostess feels she can accommodate. Has also been held in churches before.
- A place for me and 2-3 interns to stay
- Cost will be discounted for host sons
The Class
- 45-minute sessions with break
- Video clips, several stories (TV with HDMI capability)
- Dressed up/uniform dramatic presentations
- 1.5-hour lunch break, frisbee, any activities that the boys usually end up doing
- The School is three days
- 9am-3pm each day
- 5:00-6:30 (this time flexible) Graduation on the final day.
- Families and friends invited for Potluck for Graduation ceremony presentation and declaration statement from young men.
- The schedule is flexible. Other options for example:
- Friday night, all day Saturday (during school year)
- Four evening sessions (during school year)
- The young men usually bring their own lunch to the School or ladies help put food together

“Masculinity is not something given to you but something you gain. And you gain it by winning small battles with honor.”
—Norman Mailer

“Let us not glide through this world and then slip quietly into heaven without having blown the trumpet long and loud for the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Let us see to it that the devil holds a thanksgiving celebration in hell at receiving the news of our departure from the field of battle.”
—CT Studd
Image Gallery
“Future generations of boys in America are so easily lost in apathy, selfishness, and distraction, as they are inundated with confusing messages of sexuality, masculinity, and manhood. Now, more than ever, our boys need a picture of manhood that displays God’s way of servant leadership, humility, chivalry, integrity and more. They need to be guided by God’s Word and inspired by noble men that display these timeless qualities. The School of Honor answers that call.”
—The Benham Brothers

“SoH literally changed my life. Growing up in a Christian home, I strayed into the world during early teen years and started becoming hopeless. During my second attendance here, God showed me powerfully the brokenness of my current path, and how much joy, purpose, and meaning denying oneself and living for Christ brings. Ultimately, He saved me through this! My whole family has attended every event possible for several years. Logan never fails to convict and encourage. Whether 10 or 18, you’ll get so much from it. An opportunity like no other to meet and forge friendships with godly young adults, without social awkwardness. Everything is designed to point to Christ and increase our love for Him together, to ultimately build up the men of honor this generation so desperately needs.”
“What is your role, your mission, your destiny as a man of God? Logan Wilson’s School of Honor invites you to begin a journey of holy discovery. Grounded in Biblical truth that comes alive in historical narrative, Logan’s course defies mundane and launches young men into a life of honor.”
“The School of Honor is a great course for young men to seek what God made them to be. It has impacted my life immensely. Seeing the change in young men who go is very encouraging to me. Logan is changing the lives of America’s young men.”
“As a sister of SOH graduates, I cannot begin to tell you the changes I have seen in my brothers since they went to the School of Honor. This is the stuff of heroes, and they treat me like a princess. Thanks, Logan!”
“We have a sixteen-year-old son with Down Syndrome who has been abundantly blessed to attend Logan Wilson’s School of Honor. Logan loves, serves and honors God with every fiber of his being. He powerfully inspires every student to follow hard after God with an honorable, servant-hearted passion. We highly recommend that you bless your son with the life-changing gift of attending the school!”
For any inquiries please contact Logan at logan@schoolofhonor.com, or fill out the contact form below.